
Cosmetic lymphatic drainage

  • A perfect further training for beauticians and everyone who works in the field of massage.
  • No special requirements are necessary
  • The course is suitable for anyone interested in relaxation techniques.

The cosmetic lymphatic drainage is particularly popular in the wellness and beauty sector, used by non-state-approved therapists for prevention (health care).

All participants learn the gentle and very extensive techniques of lymphatic drainage, as well as the connection to the anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic system and the special grip techniques to harmonise the lymphatic flow.

Main goals of cosmetic lymphatic drainage:

  • Decongestant effect and increase in the immune system (prevention)
  • Improvement of the skin texture (cosmetic aspect)
  • Relaxation and stimulation of the lymph flow (vitalisation)

Contents of the cosmetic lymphatic drainage training

  • Anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic system
  • Effects of cosmetic lymphatic drainage
  • Differences to therapeutic manual lymphatic drainage
  • Practical techniques upper body, lower body, head, whole body

Duration: 2 days

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