
Sports Physiotherapy

Sports physiotherapy includes measures for primary and secondary prevention, assessment, therapy and rehabilitation (reintegration) of health disorders in athletes, whether in professional or popular sports,These are analysed and dealt with in this course.

Manual therapeutic and osteopathic techniques and treatment concepts are provided.

Content – Part 1

  • Primary Care
  • Immediate action against sports injuries
  • Basics of the functional bandage Technique / Taping
  • Basics of Sports massage (Preparation / Exhaustion massage)
  • Trigger points – Functional Anatomy – Aspects of modern treatment of Athroligamentary and musculoskeletal injuries and overload syndromes – Biomechanics / Pathomechanics: Lower extremities
  • Pelvis
  • Lumbar Spine
  • BWS
  • Cervical Spine
  • Shoulder Girdle
  • Elbow – Examination of joint & ligamentous and myofascial structures

Content – Part 2

  • Indication-related treatment schemes
  • Operative vs. Conservative treatment strategies for Sports injuries – Sports Traumatology, Soft tissues and Sports Psychology – training theory
  • Basics of performance management in Training and Rehabilitation
  • Training Physiological basics
  • Regenerative training
  • Sports Immunology
  • Performance diagnostics / training control
  • Training Planning
  • Reactive training – regulatory mechanisms of the cardiopulmonary system – physical therapy
  • Electrotherapy

Duration: 1 week each part (2 parts )

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